Как незаметно скопировать информацию с чужой флешки
USB Dumper is an application up that when installed on on a system will run a background process that will copy files from any USB flash drive installed to it silently. The simplicity of this application is what makes it quite dangerous, as all it requires a user to do is double click the exectuable, once this is done the application runs in the background and any USB drive that is connected will automatically have its contents downloaded to the system.
Копирует вроде так, что даже лампочка на девайсе не мигает. В общем, надо проверить.
По материалам http://community.livejournal.com/ru_sysadmins/486014.html
2 Комментариев
Сентябрь 25th, 2007
ссылка на жж вроде не та
Сентябрь 26th, 2007
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